SwimSafer Silver

SwimSafer Silver

Intermediate Personal Water Survival and Swimming Stroke Refinement Skills

SwimSafer Silver Entries & Exits

  • Demonstrate a dive entry (crouching)

SwimSafer Silver Sculling & Body Orientation

  • Keep face above the water for 60 seconds sculling with hands only

SwimSafer Silver Underwater skills

  • In 1.5m of water depth swim through hoops on pool bottom 3 metres apart.

SwimSafer Silver Movement / Swimming / Strokes

  • Swim 200 m continuously
  • 50m Front Crawl
  • 50m Breaststroke.
  • 50m Backstroke
  • 50m Survival Backstroke or Sidestroke
  • Efficient stroke techniques must be used

SwimSafer Silver Survival & Activity skills

  • Dressed in swimwear, long pants and long sleeved shirt , perform the following as a continuous sequence;:
  • Enter deep water using an appropriate entry method
  • Submerge feet first, swim underwater for 3 meters.
  • Resurface scull, float or tread water for 3 minutes waving for help intermittently.
  • Clothing may be removed.
  • Correctly fit a PFD while treading water and then swim 25 metres and climb out of the water

SwimSafer Silver Rescue Skills

  • Using a buoyant aid, accompanied (noncontact) rescue of a person 15m from safety

SwimSafer Silver Knowledge

Recognising an Emergency

What are the characteristics of a non-swimmer?
Vertical position in the water, desperate grabbing and climbing arm and leg action, may submerge for periods, panicked and wide eyed, unlikely to respond to instructions, may attempt to grasp rescuer.
What are the characteristics of a weak swimmer?
Weak swimmers may be able to use their arms and legs for support. The swimmer will be angled in the water (approximately 45 degrees) and may attempt to grasp the rescuer or a floatation aid. Head position will be tilted up and back and the head will usually be turned to safety or help.
What are the characteristics of an injured swimmer?
An injured swimmer will typically grasp the injured body part and be calling for help. They may be in an awkward position, but will be able to use a floatation device if provided.
What are the characteristics of an unconscious swimmer?
The unconscious person may be at any depth of water, depending of the length of time they've been unconscious. The individual may be face-up or face-down in the water, but will not be moving. Rescue conscious swimmers first before they go unconscious.

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